The Malice of Light is my new fantasy series. The Acrid Sky is the first book of this planned six-book series, and I’m currently working with my brother on a series of tabletop games based in the world of The Malice of Light.


My first novel, Eve of Corruption, was published in 2012. I wrote this epic fantasy tale alongside the debut album from my band Lorenguard—a concept album of the same name based on the book.

Game Writing

My first love is worldbuilding and I serve as the lead narrative designer on almost all of my game design projects. Since the majority of the games I’ve designed are based in settings I’ve created, my original characters and backstories are prevalent throughout those titles.

Marketing Copywriting

As a certified digital marketing professional, I write the product copy for most of my published games. Additionally, I was a copywriter for the Blacklist Games website and product catalogs.

Technical Writing

I write, edit, and lay out each of my game’s rulebooks. Additionally, I have over six years of experience writing technical proposal content for corporate travel and the IT/cloud consulting industry. I am certified by Technical Writer HQ.

Character bios for Hour of Need (Blacklist Games)